Johan (John) Gustaf (Olsson) Bohman was born to Olaf and Stina Perrson Olsson on June 1, 1878 in Milmark, Varmland, Sweden. John immigrated from his family home, Lassbybacken, and joined his two brothers Ole and Axel in Vollmer (now Troy) on February 7, 1902. On December 12, 1902, John became a citizen of the United States of America.
Because of his experience in the lumber trade, John started working in sawmills while he lived with his brother Ole. John returned to Sweden twice before making Troy his home in 1913. Upon his return he resumed his job with the Troy Lumber Company that he left in 1912.
On August 25, 1916, John married Hilma Westberg Anderson, who was the first daughter of Andrew and Caroline Westberg. Andrew and Caroline were from Vestergotland, Sweden and homesteaded on Burnt Ridge southeast of Troy.
John and Hilma farmed in the Dry Creek area before purchasing a 320 acre farm on Little Bear Ridge. This is where John and Hilma raised their five children, Carlot, Irene, Clyde, Doris and Alvin. This 320-acre farm became part of what is now Ridgeview.
Our History
John farmed up until medical issues forced Hilma and him to move to a house in Troy on the corner of A Street and Main. Alvin continued the operation of the farm upon the passing of his father in 1955. Alvin purchased the farm from his mother Hilma, who passed in 1965.
Alvin Bohman married Charlotte Dyer Osborn on October 21, 1961. They had five children, three from Charlotte’s previous marriage, Roger, Sherry and Gary, and two children together, Roxanne and John. In 1969 Alvin expanded his farming operation when he was given the opportunity to start farming the Reierson and Emmett farms on the south end of Little Bear Ridge.
The children started growing up and one by one they graduated from Troy High School. Upon graduation Roger moved on to law enforcement, Sherry to business school and Gary to the University of Idaho. After the first semester of college, Gary returned to the farm to start his farming career as more ground made the job impossible for Al to operate alone.

Ridgeview Farms was established as the operational farm name in June 1995 after Little Bear Ridge’s retiring farmer, Robert Sandquist sold his farming operation to Gary and John. They wanted a name associated with the farm rather than their last names or initials. So with a suggestion from Gary’s father in law, Ridgeview Farms was named. Ridgeview Farms was able to assume the farm leases that Robert shared upon his retirement and continues those leases today. In 2000, they were able to rent the old Bill Nilson farm, on Little Bear Ridge, from his daughter and grandchildren.
Charlotte passed away from a long battle with cancer in February 2005. Al continued his side of the operation until his soft retirement in 2006. Al, who passed away in March 2015, continued to keep up with the industry-changing technology and governmental politics of the day up until the moment he passed. He encouraged dialogue (arguments) to bring out all aspects of a subject or a problem.
Gary’s sons, Nick, Kyle, and Travis, worked after Al’s retirement to help get the crops in at harvest and the hay in at baling. Even Alison, John’s wife, made her contribution by driving truck during harvest until the birth of their second child.
2019 brought a big change to Ridgeview, as an opportunity arose to take on a large chunk of leased land in the Leland/Kendrick area. Upon taking the opportunity, RIdgeview's operation nearly doubled in size and production.
Nick continues his instructional role as a teacher in Oregon and comes home to help during harvest. Kyle and Travis received their Bachelor's of Science degrees in Agricultural Systems Management from the University of Idaho in May of 2013 and have returned to the farm, looking forward to opportunities in the future to continue the family’s operation. Halee Bohman, daughter of John Bohman, served as the 2022-23 Idaho FFA State President, and is now pursuing secondary education at the University of Idaho working towards a Bachelor's in Agribusiness and Academic Certificates in Commodity Risk Management & Precision Agriculture. Upon graduation, Halee is returning to the operation to continue the fourth-generation alongside Kyle and Travis. Kyle Dail-- Halee's fiance-- graduated a Bachelor's of Science in Agricultural Systems Management from the University of Idaho in the spring of 2024, and is now a proud addition of the fourth generation at Ridgeview as well.